Oregon Zoo

Measure 26-244

What is it?

The Oregon Zoo Bond program builds on the successes of the 2008 Zoo Bond, which supported transformational improvements across roughly 40% of the campus.

Measure 26-244 asks voters to renew their previous investment in the Oregon Zoo without a tax increase.

If passed, funds will be used to support priority projects across the 60% of campus still in need of improvement.

How it works

Measure 26-244 will not increase taxes because it replaces the expiring 2008 zoo bond tax rate as those bonds are repaid.

In fact, this bond will reduce the tax rate and authorize up to $380 million in general obligation bonds, to be paid by a property tax rate of up to 8.5 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, or about $1.95 per month for a house assessed at $275,000 (down from the previous tax rate of 9%.)

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